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Rhode Island Guardians Mentoring Program

Our mentorship programs are designed to encourage youths or young adults of color in high school or a higher education institution interested in law enforcement or who desire to pursue a career in the field of criminal justice.

  • The Rhode Island Guardians Mentorship Program (RIGMP) involves spending one hour per month at the Cape Verdean Progressive Center, East Providence, Rhode Island, or designated location from the time of placement through two academic years.
  • Mentors must attend an information and training session before beginning with a mentee.
  • Mentors will meet quarterly as a group to discuss the program and their mentee at a designated location. The mentor program committee will be in attendance.
  • Mentors should communicate regularly with the designated Guardians staff or designee-contact person, John P. A'Vant (401) 548-1333 or javant110@cox.net).
  • Mentors commit for two years, but may then be asked to renew for more years.
  • It should be understood that due to the nature of the mentor program, it is required to conduct a background check on all prospective mentors.
  • If a student mentee discloses that he or she is being physically or sexually abused, or you believe he or she is being neglected, by law you must report this to DCYF (1-800-RI-Child) within 24 hours. Rhode Island Guardians Mentor Program and you will guide through this process.

Become A Mentor

PLEASE CLICK HERE to begin the process that will help you to serve as a role model to the next generation of African American and Latino law enforcement officers. (PLEASE NOTE: Membership as an active or retired member of the Rhode Island Guardians Association is REQUIRED to become a mentor.)

"Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives" - Michelle Obama
  • Will serve as a good role model for the mentee.
  • Provide professional guidance to mentees.
  • Demonstrate how one might develop greater initiative, increased independence, and self-reliance.
  • Be committed to the program and the mentee.
  • Offer his/her own experiences to the mentee as a resource and reference to help their mentees avoid mistakes and learn from good decisions.
  • Educate about life and their own careers.
  • Assist in identifying the strengths of the mentee, along with motivating and challenging the mentee.
  • Be driven by the needs and interest of the students.
  • Help the mentee find life direction without pushing them.
  • Provide insight about keeping on task, setting goals, and priorities.
  • Foster success in the mentee by caring about the mentee's progress in school, career planning, and personal development.

Become A Mentee

The RI Guardians Mentorship Program (RIGMP) is designed to better prepare youth and young adults of color for a challenging career in the field of criminal justice.

CLICK HERE to download the mentee intake form.

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Today In History

Black History Month
  • In 1993 - Death of Arthur Ashe, tennis great

To Inspire You

The worst thing that colonialism did was to cloud our view of our past

Barack Obama

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